Don’t overcomplicate the sales process

Don’t overcomplicate the sales process

I would never say that to be successful long-term in professional sales is easy. What I would say, however, is that the formula is easy. The question then becomes: Do you have the intestinal fortitude to continually execute a simple formula? And can you continue to...
What is the goal of your initial sales call?

What is the goal of your initial sales call?

Is it to convince your prospects that you have the best solution to their problem? Is it to attempt to kill the competition? Perhaps it’s to make sure you get through your entire PowerPoint presentation. Or maybe you want to make it clear that your company is the...
Do you recognize this device?

Do you recognize this device?

When I began my sales career in 1976, this device was the only way to connect with prospects and existing customers. And believe it or not, when we were in the field we used telephone booths to call the office, check messages and return calls. Some of the telephone...
Make the most of a lost sale

Make the most of a lost sale

Let’s face it. No one likes to lose business. That empty feeling after losing a hard-fought battle can be devastating. This is especially true if you lose a deal in one of your key accounts that you forecasted at a 90 percent close rate. It is an extremely emotional...
What are you doing with  your spare time?

What are you doing with your spare time?

  During these unprecedented times, are you sitting around watching reruns of your favorite shows from the ‘70s, or binge-watching the latest series on Netflix? Or perhaps you’re watching the continuous news coverage of the pandemic, getting depressed and feeling...
What can we learn from a beer vendor?

What can we learn from a beer vendor?

When I ask sales executives what their competitive advantage is I typically get a response that is directly related to the product or service they represent. In other words, someone who is a sales exec for IBM would proceed to tell me that partnering with IBM offers a...